Virus del Papiloma humano / Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
Con el objetivo de actualizar la información existente sobre el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos basados en la evidencia de nivel I-II. Fundamentalmente fueron revisados los publicados en la biblioteca Cochrane, Dynamed, Evidence-Based Medicine Updates, New England Journal of Medicine, J Clinical Oncology, Medscape, PubMed, artículos de la Agencia Internacional del Cáncer de Francia, y HPV Today, en inglés, francés, portugués o español, de los últimos 5 años, y se hace referencia a artículos originales de importancia de años anteriores. Se revisaron los siguientes aspectos: Definiciones, epidemiología, etiología: Virus del Papiloma Humano, factores de riesgo, clínica de la infección por el VPH, implicación clínica, pesquisaje de masas, tratamiento, prevención primaria y secundaria; y problemas sociales derivados. La infección por el VPH es sexualmente transmitida, por lo tanto es prevenible, y puede ser curable. Es un virus ADN que necesita de un epitelio para su replicación y completar su ciclo vital. La expresión de sus genes constituyentes varía dentro del epitelio, y de una parte del epitelio a otra, dependiendo del tipo de lesión. Se ha detectado la infección desde la infancia, aún sin relaciones sexuales, para llegar a un clímax alrededor de los 30 años, para luego decrecer. Las alternativas actuales son la prevención primaria mediante el uso de anticonceptivos de barrera, el uso de las vacunas profilácticas, y después que está instaurada la infección las vacunas terapéuticas que se están desarrollando. En todos los aspectos se pueden detectar problemas sociales, desde el diagnóstico con el peso de ansiedad, la carga social que proporciona la infección y las consecuencias que de ella derivan.
Palabras clave: virus, papiloma, enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles/prevención, clínica médica.
Aimed at updating the current information on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) evidence-based articles and papers about levels I-II were reviewed. The articles and papers browsed on line were published in: Cochrane, Dynamed, Evidence-based Medicine Update, New England Journal of Medicine, J Clinical Oncology, Medscape, PubMed, IARC and Human Papilloma Virus Today, in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish, from the last 5 years; taking also as reference important original articles from previous years. Terms used for the search were: definitions, epidemiology, etiology, HPV, risk factors, clinical features of the HPV infection, clinical implications, mass screening, treatment, primary/secondary prevention and social repercussion. HPV is a sexually-transmitted infection; thus it is preventable and curable. HPV is a DNA virus needing for an epithelium for its replication and to accomplish its vital cycle. The expression of the genes varies inside the epithelial tissue, and from one part of it to the other depending on the type of lesion. Infection is detected from the childhood, even without sexual intercourse, reaching a climax around 30 years old, and then decreasing. The current alternatives are: the primary prevention by means of the use of barrier methods of contraception and the prophylactic vaccines; mass screening and developing-therapeutic vaccines are used after the infection. In every step of the diagnosis and treatment of the disease social problems may arise from the anxiety burden, the infection and its consequences. A discussion about all these aspects was carried out.
Key words: virus, papiloma, sexually transmitted diseases/prevention, internal medicine.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HPV vaccine questions and answers. Accessed at, January 25, 2007.
Castellsagué X. Natural history and epidemiology of HPV infection and cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2008 Sep;110(3 Suppl 2):S4-7 Disponible en:
Hopman AH, Kamps MA, Smedts F, Speel EJ, Herrington CS, Ramaekers FC. HPV in situ hybridization: impact of different protocols on the detection of integrated HPV. Int J Cancer 2005 Jun 20; 115(3): 419-28. Disponible en:
Lupiani Castellanos MP y Fraga Hernández ME. Vacunas del Papiloma Humano: Se amplía el calendario vacunal. Canar Ped.Enero-Abril 2008; 32(1): Disponible en:
Zur Hausen H. Papillomaviruses and cancer: from basic studies to clinical application. Nat Res Cancer. 2002 may; 2(5):342-50. Disponible en:
Jung WW, Chun T, Sul D, Hwang KW, Kang HS, Lee DJ, Han IK. Strategies against human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer. J Microbiol. 2004 Dec; 42(4):255-66. Disponible en:
Castro-Jiménez Miguel Ángel, Vera-Cala Lina María, Posso-Valencia Héctor Jaime. Epidemiología del cáncer de cuello uterino: estado del arte. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [serial on the Internet]. 2006 Sep [cited]; 57(3): 182-189. Available from:
Burchell AN,Winer RL, De Sanjosé S, Franco E. Epidemiology and transmission dynamics of genital HPV infection. Vaccine. 2006; 24 (Suppl) 3:52-61
Baseman JG, Koutsky LA. The epidemiology of human Papillomavirus infections. J Clin Virol. 2005 Mar;32 Suppl 1:S16-24. Disponible en:
Frazer IH. Prevention of cervical cancer through papillomavirus vaccination. Nat Rev Immunol. 2004 Jan; 4(1):46-54. Disponible en:
Doorbar J. Eventos del ciclo vital del VPH y selección de biomarcadores. HPV Today. Feb 13, 2007; No 10: Disponible en:
Clifford GM, Gallus S, Herrero R, Muñoz N, Snijders PJ, Vaccarella S, et al.. Worldwide distribution of human papillomavirus types in cytologically normal women in the International Agency for Research on Cancer HPV prevalence surveys: a pooled analysis. Lancet. 2005 Sep; 366(9490):991-8: Disponible en:
Wang SS, Schiffman M, Shields TS, Herrero R, Hildesheim A, Bratti MC, Sherman ME, Rodriguez AC, Castle PE, Morales J, Alfaro M, Wright T, Chen S, Clayman B, Burk RD, Viscidi RP. Seroprevalence of human papillomavirus-16, -18, -31, and -45 in a population-based cohort of 10000 women in Costa Rica. Br J Cancer. 2003 Oct 6;89(7):1248-54.
Winer RL, Lee SK, Hughes JP, Adam DE, Kiviat NB, Koutsky LA. Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection: Incidence and Risk Factors in a Cohort of Female University Students. Am J Epidemiol 2003; 157 (3): 218-226. Disponible en:
Dailard C. HPV in the United States and Developing Nations: A Problem Of Public Health or Politics? The Guttmacher Report on public policy. 2003 Aug; 6(3): Disponible en:
Syrjanen S, Shabalova I, Petrovichev N, Podistov J, Ivanchenko O, Zakharenko S, Nerovjna R, etr al. Age-specific incidence and clearance of high-risk human papillomavirus infections in women in the former Soviet Union. Int J STD AIDS. 2005 Mar;16(3):217-23. Disponible en:
Winer RL, Kiviat NB, Hughes JP, Adam DE, Lee SK, Kuypers JM, Koutsky LA. Development and duration of human papillomavirus lesions, after initial infection. J Infect Dis. 2005 Mar 1; 191(5):731-8. Disponible en:
Denis F, Hanz S, Alain S. Clearance, persistence and recurrence of HPV infection. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008 Apr; 36(4):430-40. Disponible en:
Castle PE. Jeronimo J, Schiffman M, Herrero Ro, Rodríguez AC, Bratti MC, et al. Age-Related Changes of the Cervix Influence Human Papillomavirus Type Distribution. Cancer Res 2006; 66(2): 1218-24. Disponible en:
Hwang HS, Park M, Lee SY, Kwon KH, Pang MG. Distribution and prevalence of HPV genotypes in routine Pap smear of 2470 korean women determined by DNA chip. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Dec 2004; 13 (12): 2153-6. Disponible en:
Berlin Grace VM. HPV type 18 is more oncopotent than HPV16 in uterine cervical carcinogenesis although HPV16 is the prevalent type in Chennai, India. Indian J Cancer. 2009 Jul-Sep; 46 (3): 203-207. Disponible en:;year=2009;volume=46;issue=3;spage=203;epage=207;aulast=Berlin
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Banister C. Blair Holladay E, Cribado del VPH. Pruebas de VPH. HPV Today, 2005, Oct; No. 7: 4.
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Mathur RS, Mathur SP. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) up-regulates epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) in cervical cancer in vitro: this action is mediated through HPV-E6 in HPV-positive cancers. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 Apr;97(1):206-13. Disponible en:
Münger K. The role of human papillomaviruses in human cancers. Front Biosci. 2002 Mar 1;7: d641-9. Disponible en:
Shastri SS, Dinshaw K, Amin G, Goswami S, Patil S, Chinoy R, Kane S, Kelkar R, Muwonge R, Mahe C, Ajit D, Sankaranarayanan R. Concurrent evaluation of visual, cytological and HPV testing as screening methods for the early detection of cervical neoplasia in Mumbai, India. Bull World Health Organ. 2005 Mar;83(3):186-94. Disponible en:
Jeronimo J, Castle PE, Herrero R, Burk RD, Schiffman M. HPV testing andvisual inspection for cervical cancer screening in resource-poor regions. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 83 (2003) 311-313. Disponible en:
Sankaranarayanan R, Esmy PO, Rajkumar R, Muwonge R, Swaminathan R, Shanthakumari S, Fayette JM, Cherian J. Effect of visual screening on cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Tamil Nadu, India: a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. 2007 Aug 4;370(9585):398-406. Disponible en:
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Hengstermann A, D'silva MA, Kuballa P, Butz K, Hoppe-Seyler F, Scheffner M, San José S, Muñoz N. Growth suppression induced by downregulation of E6-AP expression in human papillomavirus-positive cancer cell lines depends on p53. J Virol. 2005 Jul;79(14):9296-300. Disponible en:
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Goldie SJ, Kim JJ, Wright TC. Cost-Effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus DNA Testing for Cervical Cancer Screening in Women Aged 30 Years or More. Obstet Gynecol 2004 Apr; 103(4): 619-31. Disponible en:
Solomon D. VPH en Cribado y Triaje. Estudio ALTS sobre el Triaje de ASCUS y LSIL. HPV Today. 2004; sep 5: 5. Disponible en:
Schiffman M, Khan MJ, Solomon D, Herrero R, Wahcolder S, Hildesheim A, Rodriguez AC, Bratti MC, Wheeler CM, Burk RD, PEG Group; ALTS Group. A study of the impact of adding HPV types to cervical cancer screening and triage tests. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005; 97 (2): 147-50. Disponible en:
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Muñoz N, Bosch FX, Garnett G, Pattnick J, Sultan C, Watson M. Vacunación preventiva contra enfermedades asociadas al VPH: directrices para un máximo beneficio en la salud europea. HPV Today 2005; Oct No. 7: 6. Disponible en:
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Garland SM, Hernández-Ávila M, Wheeler CM, Pérez G, Harper DM, Leodolter S, et al. Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent anogenital diseases. N Engl J Med. 2007;356(19): 1928-43.51. Disponible en:
Paavonen J, Jenkins D, Bosch FX, Naud P, Salmerón J, Wheeler CM, et al. Efficacy of a prophylactic adjuvanted bivalent L1 virus-like-particle vaccine against infection with human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in young women: an interim analysis of a phase III double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2007; 369(9580): 2161-70.52. Disponible en:
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Kiviat NB, Hawes SE, Feng Q. Screening for cervical cáncer in the Era of the HPV vaccine-The urgent need for both new screening guidelines and new biomarkers. JCNI 2008; March 5; 100 (5): 290-291. Disponible en:
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