Software educativo Morfofisiología del ojo humano

Dianelys León Medina

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Introduction: the accelerated technologic development has given origin to the new technologies of information and communication, with implications in the teaching of Medicine in Cuba, adjusting to the graduate's insertion into the community, to carried out health actions and provide high quality medical services, in specialties like ophthalmology.
Objective: to design a educative software for teaching and learning the macro-functional characteristics of the vision organ, in view of the performance way of the first-year Medicine students of Eastern Havana School Medical Sciences.
Material and method: pedagogical study of the promotion results of the subject Morphology and Physiology III. Several methods were used such as theoretical, empirical, dialectic-materialistic, and statistical ones. The target group and the sample were composed of professors of Informatics, specialists in Comprehensive Medicine and in Basic Sciences.
Results: it was necessary to perfect the teaching aids and achieve a scientific conception of the world using the advances of the new technologies. The software consists of several modules, which present fundamental morphologic and physiologic contents and more frequent eye disease and of greater importance for the general training of medical specialists.
Conclusions: this software constitutes a new contribution to the teaching-learning process about the vision organ. It tributes to the performance way of the coming graduate, by means of values formation, contents interactivity, back-feeding, evaluation, and the development of skills like independent work and self-training using the modern teaching aids.

Palabras clave

Programas informáticos; Oftalmología.


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